MarshST™, the airplane marshalling simulator, is an interactive, educational application designed to instruct trainees on the marshalling signals. This application is available for PC, tablets, and virtual reality.

The application contains three different modes. Instructor Mode instructs students on the marshalling signals with the use of a virtual instructor. Practice mode prompts users to guide an aircraft through a sequence of movements before flight and during recovery and the virtual instructor can be spawned if the student needs guidance. Test Mode contains two parts. First, students must correctly identify the marshalling signal. Next, a random base, time of day, and aircraft are generated, and students must correctly marshal the aircraft. Users scores are tracked throughout and, at the completion, a report is generated for them and their instructor to analyze their results.

EngineeringPeople created a virtual 3D model of Sheppard Air Force Base for trainees to have a realistic environment to practice marshalling aircrafts. MarshST© features F-16 and C-17 Aircrafts, three geographic locations, and two times of day. Audio of aircrafts were included for elements of realism. An additional module with fourteen extra signals the virtual instructor demonstrates is included. Audio sounds of aircrafts for realistic elements. MarshST™ works without internet connection.

This application can integrate with a learning management system (“LMS”) such as Canvas or Blackboard. Data can be collected to identify users, length in the application, time to completion, questions answered correctly, etc. If you would like to learn more about MarshST™ contact EngineeringPeople today.